Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to search and replace strings inside PDF files - PHP Snippet

How to search and replace strings inside PDF files - PHP Snippet

PHP snippet that let you to search and replace any text inside pdf files easily.
$filePath = getcwd() . "\\Input\\MyFile.pdf";
$fileName = basename($filePath);
$oldText = "old text here";
$newText = "new text here";

//set application information
$AppSID = "77**************";
$AppKey = "89***********";

//build URI
echo "Uploading pdf file... <br>";
$strURIRequest = "" . "/storage/file/" . $fileName;
$signedURI = Sign($strURIRequest);
uploadFileBinary($signedURI, $filePath);
echo "Pdf file has been uploaded successully <br>";

echo "Replacing text...<br>";
//Build JSON to post
$fieldsArray = array('OldValue'=$oldText, 'NewValue'=$newText, 'Regex'="false");
$json = json_encode($fieldsArray);
//Build URI to replace text
$strURI = "" . "/pdf/" . $fileName . "/replaceText";
$signedURI = Sign($strURI);
$responseStream = processCommand($signedURI, "POST", "json", $json);
$v_output = ValidateOutput($responseStream);
if ($v_output === "")
//Save PDF file on server
//build URI
$strURI = "" . "/storage/file/" . $fileName;
//sign URI
$signedURI = Sign($strURI);
$responseStream = processCommand($signedURI, "GET", "", "");
$outputPath = getcwd() . "\\output\\" . $fileName;
saveFile($responseStream, $outputPath);
echo "The text has been replaced and Pdf file has saved at: " . $outputPath;
return $v_output;
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